L. Mahéo
L. Mahéo - © AMSCC

Pôle Sciences et technologies de défense

Directeur adjoint du CReC Saint-Cyr

Laurent MAHÉO

Professeur des Universités en Mécanique

Curriculum Vitae

À l'AMSCC, à l’Ecole Spéciale Militaire, niveau M1 : Méthode des éléments finis (MEF), mécanique non linéaire, dynamique des structures et projets.

Au CReC et à l’IRDL, comportement mécanique de matériaux sandwich, comportement mécanique des matériaux cellulaires, caractérisation thermique de mousses encapsulant des matériaux à changement de phase, mesure de l’effort balistique d’un projectile de 9mm sur un gilet pare-balle.


  • V. Lafilé, B. Galpin, L. Maheo, C.C. Roth, V. Grolleau., “Towards the use of small size bulge tests: Numerical and experimental study at small bulge diameter to sheet thickness ratios”, J Mater Process Tech 291, 117019 (2021).
  • Karthik Ram Ramakrishnan, Sandra Guerard, Laurent Maheo, Krishna Shankar, Philippe Viot., “Experimental and numerical study of parabolic impact of foam-core sandwich panels”, Composites Part B: Eng 167, 717–727 (2019).
  • Juan Angel Moreno Balderrama, Marie-Anne Dourges, Anthony Magueresse, Laurent Maheo, Hervé Deleuze., “Emulsion-templated pullulan monoliths as Phase Change Materials encapsulating matrices”, Materials Today Communications 17, 466–473 (2018).
  • M. A. Palazzolo, MA. Dourges, A. Magueresse, P. Glouannec, L. Maheo, H. Deleuze., “Preparation of lignosulfonate-based carbon foams by pyrolysis and its use in the microencapsulation of a Phase Change Material”, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 6(2), 2453–2461(2018).
  • A. Donnard, S. Guérard, L. Maheo, P. Viot, G. Rio., “Multiaxial experiments with radial loading paths on a polymeric foam”, Polymer Testing 63, 441–449 (2018).
  • L. Maheo, F. Dau, D. André, J.-L. Charles, I. Iordanoff., “A promising way to model cracks in composite using Discrete Element Method”, Composites Part B: Engineering 71, 193–202 (2015).
  • F. Dau, L. Maheo., “Modélisation 3D d’un composite UD par la méthode des éléments discrets”, Revue des Composites et des Matériaux Avancées 24(1), 125–138 (2014).
  • L. Maheo, P. Viot, D. Bernard, A. Chirazi, G. Ceglia, O. Mondain-Monval, V. Schmitt., “Elastic behavior of multi-scale, open-cell foams”, Composites Part B: Engineering 44(1), 172–183 (2013).
  • Laurent Maheo, Philippe Viot., “Impact on multi-layered polypropylene foams”, International Journal of Impact Engineering 53, 84–93 (2013).
  • Laurent Maheo, Vincent Grolleau, Gérard Rio., “Numerical damping of spurious oscillations : a comparison between the Bulk-Viscosity method and the Tchamwa-Wielgosz dissipative explicit scheme”, Computational Mechanics 51(1), 109–128 (2013).
  • G. Ceglia, L. Maheo, P. Viot, D. Bernard, A. Chirazi, I. Ly, O. Mondain-Monval, V. Schmitt., “Formulation and mechanical properties of emulsion-based model polymer foams”, European Physical Journal E 35, 31 (2012).
  • Philippe Viot, Laurent Maheo, Antoine Mercier., “Behaviour of polymeric multiscale foam under dynamic loading - Study of the influence of the density and the walls of beads”, International Journal of Research & Reviews in Applied Sciences 7(1), 1–19 (2011).
  • Laurent Maheo, Gérard Rio, Vincent Grolleau., “Formulation and mechanical properties of emulsion-based model polymer foams”, Mechanics Research Communications 38, 81-88 (2011).
  • Laurent Maheo, Vincent Grolleau, Gérard Rio., “Damping efficiency of the Tchamwa-Wielgosz explicit dissipative scheme under instantaneous loading conditions”, Comptes Rendus de Mécanique 337(11-12), 722–732 (2009).
  • Bertrand Galpin, Vincent Grolleau, G´erard Rio, Stefan Umiastowski, Laurent Maheo., “Design and application of an instrumented projectile for load measurements during impact”, International Journal of Crashworthiness 13(2), 139-)148 (2008).



  • A. Donnard, S. Guérard, P. Viot, G. Rio, L. Maheo, Hyperelastic modelling of polypropylene foam under complex loadings, 11th European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubbers , Nantes (France)25-27 June 2019
  • V. Grolleau, V. Lafilé, C. Roth, B. Galpin, L. Maheo, D. Mohr, Rate-dependant ductile fracture under plane strain tension: experiments and simulations, 12th International DYMAT Conference , Arcachon (France) - September 2018
  • A. Donnard, S. Guérard, L. Maheo, G. Rio, P. Viot, Investigation of foam multiaxial behavior by numerical and experimental methods, 1st International Conference on Impact Loading of Structures and Materials , Torino (Italy) - May 2016
  • V. Lafil´e, V. Grolleau, L. Maheo, A. Penin, B. Galpin, Strain rate effect under various stress states on two metals, 1st International Conference on Impact Loading of Structures and Materials , Torino (Italy) - May 2016
  • S. Guérard, K. R. Ramakrishnan, L. Maheo, K. Shankar, P. Viot, Development of a Finite
  • Element Model for the Simulation of Parabolic Impact of Sandwich Panels, 11th International DYMAT Conference , Lugano (Switzerland) - Sep 2015
  • L. Maheo, S. Guérard, G. Rio, A. Donnard, P. Viot, Multi axial behavior of foams - Experiments and modeling, 11th International DYMAT Conference , Lugano (Switzerland) - Sep 2015
  • F. Dau, L. Maheo, B. Danh Le, J. Girardot, A promising way to model damage in composite and dry fabrics using a discrete element method (DEM), American Society for Composites 29th Technical Conference , San Diego (USA) - Sep 2014
  • S. Guérard, JL. Barou, L. Maheo, P. Viot, Development of a new experimental device for tri-dimensional impacts -results on foam core sandwich panels, 4th International Conference on Impact Loading of Lightweight Structures ICILLS , Cape Town (South Africa) - Jan 2014
  • L. Maheo, S. Guérard, JL. Barou, P. Viot, Dynamic behaviour of multi layered foams, 4th International Conference on Impact Loading of Lightweight Structures ICILLS , Cape Town (South Africa) - Jan 2014
  • L. Maheo, P. Viot, Dynamic Indentation on Layered Polypropylene Foams, 10th International DYMAT Conference , Freiburg (Germany) - Sep 2012
  • V. Grolleau, L. Maheo, G. Rio, Study of the Tchamwa-Wielgosz’s dissipative explicit scheme, International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences ICCES’10 , Las Vegas (USA) - Apr 2010
  • V. Grolleau, L. Maheo, G. Rio, Numerical damping of spurious oscillations : a comparison between bulk-viscosity and dissipative explicite algorithms, 6th International Conference on Structural Dynamics EURODYN , Paris (France) - Sep 2005
  • V. Grolleau, L. Maheo, G. Rio, Impact of shipbuilding steel plates with an initial tensile stress, 7th International DYMAT Conference , Porto (Portugal) - Sep 2003



  • M. Adlafi, V. Grolleau, L. Maheo, B. Galpin., Etude du comportement de plaques minces´ métalliques sollicitées en torsion plane en quasi-statique, 24th Congrès Français de Mécanique Brest (France)26-30 août 2019
  • J-B Le Bail, L. Maheo, D. Kerihuel, Y. Marco, V. Le Saux, W. Hervouet, P. Charrier., Etude pour le dimensionnement en fatigue et sous impact de butées d’amortisseur en mousse de polyuréthane , 24th Congrès Français de Mécanique Brest (France)26-30 août 2019
  • V. Lafilé, V. Grolleau, L. Maheo, B. Galpin, A. Penin, Effet du trajet de chargement sur la la déformation à rupture de matériaux métalliques, 23rd Congrès Français de Mécanique Lille (France) - Aug 2017
  • V. Lafilé, V. Grolleau, L. Maheo, A. Penin, B. Galpin, Effet de la vitesse de déformation en traction simple et ´equi-biaxiale, 22nd Congrès Français de Mécanique Lyon (France) - Aug 2015
  • A. Donnard, S. Guérard, L. Maheo, P. Viot, Comportement dynamique d’un coussin d’assise d’Airliner équipée d’un système d’absorption d’énergie, 22nd Congrès Français de Mécanique Lyon (France) - Aug 2015
  • L. Maheo, F. Dau, Modélisation 3D d’un composite UD par la Méthode des Eléments
  • Discrets, 18th Journées Nationales sur les composites JNC18 Nantes (France) - Jun 2013
  • V. Grolleau, G. Rio, L. Maheo, B. Galpin, A. Penin, Oscillations parasites sous sollicitation rapide, illustration par le schéma de Tchamwa-Wielgosz et le bulge-test rapide, 10ème Colloque National en Calcul des Structures CSMA Giens (France) - May 2011
  • V. Grolleau, B. Galpin, G. Rio, S. Thuillier, L. Maheo, Prise en compte de la phase d’emboutissage sur la simulation d’impact de dôme, Colloque National en Sécurité dans le transport Bordeaux (France) - Oct 2006
  • L. Maheo, G. Rio, V. Grolleau, Utilisation des schémas numériques amortissants en dynamique rapide, 17th Congrès Français de Mécanique CFM Troyes (France) - Sep 2005
  • V. Grolleau, G. Rio, A. Soive, L. Maheo, S. Umiastowski, B. Galpin, Comportement dynamique d’une tôle mince à l’impact, expérimentation et étude du filtrage des hautes fréquences numériques par le schéma d’intégration temporel, Journées AUM/AFM Rennes (France) 2002



  • A. Donnard, S. Guérard, L. Maheo, P Viot, Multiaxial experimental tests on a polypropylene foam, International Conference MatCel & DynMatCel Aveiro (Portugal) - Sep 2017
  • G. Ceglia, O. Mondain-Monval, V. Schmitt, L. Maheo, P. Viot, A. Chirazi, D. Bernard,
  • Structure and properties of emulsion based porous materials, 26th conference of the European Colloid and Interface Society ECIS Malm¨o (Suède) - Sep 2012
  • V. Grolleau, G. Rio, L. Maheo, Numerical damping of spurious oscillations using the explicit dissipative Tchamwa-Wielgosz scheme, 22nd International Workshop on Computational Mechanics of Materials IWCMM XXII Baltimore (USA) - Sep 2012
  • L. Maheo , P. Viot, D. Bernard, A. Chirazi, G. Ceglia, O. Mondain-Monval, V. Schmitt,
  • Elastic behavior of a polystyrene open-cell foam, International Conference on Mechanical Nano, Micro and Macro Composites Structure ICMNMMCS Torino (Italy) - Jun 2012
  • L. Maheo, P. Viot, Indentation of layered polypropylene foam, 2nd International Conference on Material Modeling ICMM Paris (France) - Sep 2011
  • L. Maheo, P. Viot, Impact on graded polypropylene foams, 2nd International Conference on Impact Loading of Lightweight Structures ICILLS’11 Valenciennes (France) - Jul 2011
  • L. Maheo, P. Viot, Finite Element modeling of cellular material under dynamic compression, 1st DYMAT Student Camp Guethary (France)) - Oct 2010
  • L. Maheo, V. Grolleau, G. Rio, Damping efficiency of the explicit time integration Tchamwa-
  • Wielgosz scheme and the Bulk Viscosity method, 4th European Conference on Computational Mechanics ECCM Paris (France)) - May 2010



  •  P. Viot, L. Maheo, Description multi-échelles du comportement de matériaux cellulaires sous sollicitations dynamiques, Journ´ees AUM/AFM Lorient (France) - Aug 2010



  • B. Galpin, V. Grolleau, A. Penin, P.Y. Durand, G. Rio, L. Maheo, Comportement transversal d’un contreplaqué de bouleau en dynamique et à température cryogénique, 21st Congrès Français de Mécanique CFM Bordeaux (France)) - Sep 2013
  • L. Maheo, P. Viot, D. Bernard, A. Chirazi, G. Ceglia, V. Schmitt, O. Mondain-Monval, Study of the mechanical behavior of multi-scale open-cell foams, Journée SF2M Ouest Lorient (France)) - Apr 2013
  • P. Viot, L. Maheo, D. Bernard, A. Chirazi, G. Ceglia, V. Schmitt, O. Mondain-Monval, Study of the mechanical behavior of multi-scale open-cell foams, Russian-French Symposium on Composite Materials Saint Petersburg (Russia)) - Jul 2012
  • L. Maheo, V. Grolleau, B. Galpin, G. Rio, Impact sur tôle précontrainte, 16th Congrès Français de Mécanique CFM Nice (France)) - Sept 2003
  • L. Maheo, V. Grolleau, G. Rio, Impact sur tôle précontrainte, Journées SF2M Ouest Lorient (France)) - Mar 2003