RFT 3.2.0 - Concept of employment of land forces (CEFT) 2020-2035

CEFT provides some answers to the following questions: what is the strategic environment? What is the Army strategic offer in regard to the challenges of the firlds of conflict extending over the next fifteen years? How does the Army apply the concept of integration expressed by the concept of employment of joint forces? What are the various tactical combinations possible for our air-land engagements?

RFT 3.2.0 – Concept of Employment of Land Forces (CEFT) 2020-2035 © CDEC

In the perspective of joint engagements, the concept of employment of land forces (CEFT) therefore intends to describe “the role of the land component in the multi-environment and multi-domain manoeuvre, from courses of action being renovated and diversified, with agile and adaptable employment structures”, as required by the the Army Chief of Staff’s Strategic Vision.


As the outcome of a thorough reflection, CEFT constitutes the cornerstone of the projects undertaken to have the Army that France needs. However, the publication of CEFT does not mean that reasoning is completed. On the opposite, this document is intended to feed the studies and analyses which will focus on the participation of the land component in the five major strategic functions of our national defense.

Table of contents

First Part - New Environment, New Conflictuality

General Framework Of Military Action
Diversity And Intermingling Of Intervention Backgrounds For Land Forces
Technological Mutations

Second Part - Participation Of Land Forces In Strategic Functions And Joint Operation

Land Forces Contribute To Strategic Functions
Land Forces Operate In A Joint Framework

Third Part - The Core Of Air-Land Engagement: Confrontation From Army Corps To Company Team

The Deconfliction Mecanisms
The Air-Land Command System
The Coherence Of Command Levels